Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Welcome to Airwolf Extended Themes Orchestrator's Notes!

Welcome to Airwolf Extended Themes Orchestrator's Notes (pun intended) blog. My name is Jan Michal Szulew and I'll be your host on this blog. Besides that, as you may or may not know, I'm the Orchestrator and Associate Producer for Airwolf Extended Themes CD1 - simply put, my job is to listen to various versions of the Airwolf Main Theme for 17 years (that's why we couldn't deliver it any sooner), crunch the notes, crunch the sounds, replicate the sounds and then finally record and master the audio.

The purpose of this blog is to give you an idea about project's progress - we realize we've been pretty much silent about it and seriously we wanted to have this kind of blog available much earlier, but it didn't make much sense before we were actually able to release more or less stable pre-production tracklist, which happened quite recently (September 2011). CD1 tracklist is somewhat fluent - some items might appear, disappear and (yeah, you guessed it) REappear as I go through production of subsequent tracks. I'll make sure to keep you updated.

Before you'll get your hands on the Airwolf Extended Themes CD you'll be able to learn about project's history, the technology/methodology behind it, and my almost twenty years long journey.

And now, the line you've all been waiting for:

* * * audio samples coming soon * * *

Keep checking back!

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